The State of Games
A board game podcast that tackles the industry from both inside and out! The State of Games is hosted by Chris Kirkman, the head of publishing house Dice Hate Me Studio and co-owner of Greater Than Games, and features regular co-hosts Darrell Louder, resident grump and designer of Compounded, Bottom of the 9th, and Fate of the Elder Gods, and TC Petty III, gaming hipster and designer of VivaJava and VivaJava Dice, Xenon Profiteer, and Spires. Presented by the website www.dicehateme.com - the board game blog with worse luck than you.
The State of Games
The One About Spoilers
Dice Hate Me
In this episode Chris, Darrell, and TC talk about spoiler culture, whether it translates to the board game hobby, how consumers & reviewers might avoid it all, and whether we should even really care. All this, plus Darrell dips into the dangerously addictive world of Warhammer, TC goes kayaking, Chris buys a scooter; a return to Fireball Island, Roll for the Galaxy, Crokinole, & The River; the Cardboard Edison Awards & more!